UASECO downloads

The controller for Modescript Gamemodes at Trackmania²

Stable releases

File Version Build Date Size DL 0.9.6 2019-03-02 2019-03-02 - 17:59 1,115,665 bytes 3382 0.9.5 2017-06-08 2017-06-08 - 20:29 1,099,608 bytes 4267 0.9.4 2017-05-30 2017-05-30 - 12:38 1,098,252 bytes 557 0.9.3 2017-05-23 2017-05-23 - 22:01 1,072,360 bytes 347 0.9.2 2017-05-15 2017-05-15 - 22:14 1,067,048 bytes 396 0.9.1 2017-05-11 2017-05-11 - 18:57 1,057,839 bytes 318 0.9.0 2017-05-09 2017-05-09 - 17:55 1,059,982 bytes 463

Development snapshots

Here you can download the current development snapshots and test new or changed features, fixed bugs and so on early.

You can find the current development snapshots at Github in the master branch, you can download the actual snapshot here.

Make sure that all the downloads in this section may not run stable in all situations and may not be finished, this are just snapshots from the current development.



This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

Changelog of UASECO

The controller for Modescript Gamemodes at Trackmania²

Version 0.9.6

General changes

  • Requires PHP/7.2.x or higher, because active support has been droped for older releases
  • Requires a Maniaplanet Dedicated Server build 2019-02-11_21_00 (Linux) / 2019-02-11_21_48 (Windows) or higher
  • The logfile from UASECO has been renamed to 2018-11-16-uaseco-current.txt or 2018-11-16-14-31-12-uaseco.txt for older logfiles
  • The webrequest.php uses an own logfile named 2018-11-16-webrequest-current.txt or 2018-11-16-14-31-12-webrequest.txt for older logfiles (thanks Shrike)
  • Changed newinstall/ and newinstall/webrequest.bat by adding an own logfile (thanks fiendy)
  • Changed newinstall/ and newinstall/uaseco.bat to redirect errors into normal logfile from UASECO
  • Added a better error diagnostic message in includes/core/locales.class.php
  • Added support for songs with space in the filename for plugin/plugin.music_server.php (thanks Phenom1994)
  • Updated to the gbxdatafetcher/2.11 (thanks Xymph)
  • Updated to the ModeScriptApi version 2.5.0
  • Added a map list progress indicator for the logfile while starting sequence
  • Updated plugins/plugin.round_autoend.php to work also while a WarmUp is running (thanks speedychris)
  • Added some optimations into includes/core/playerlist.class.php (thanks brakerb)
  • Updated includes/musicserver/getid3 to version 1.9.15 (thanks James Heinrich)
  • Changed parameter structure of the events onPlayerFinishPrefix, onPlayerFinish and onPlayerFinishPostfix
  • Replaced PHP equality operators (== and !=) with identical operators (=== and !==) for a performance gain (initiated by C-Lodder)[]
  • Added a check for obviously wrong port setups of config/UASECO.xml <dedicated_server><port>
  • Chat commands /admin listmasters, /admin listadmins and /admin listops from plugins/chat.admin.php has been replaced by /masteradmins, /admins and /operators from plugins/chat.server.php
  • Changed behavior of webrequest.php that now verifies TLS/SSL-Certificates instead of ignoring them
  • Added the plugin list with versions into the ABOUT and DEBUG header (which has been re-ordered too) in the logfile
  • Changed return value from method getPlayerNickname from class PlayerList, it now returns a boolean false instead of a string Unknown when a nickname can not be found
  • F9 functionality in Records-Eyepiece has been "fixed", also the storage of the settings in the Tachometer plugin (thanks reaby for the tip)
  • Change all deprecated CMlEvent to the new CMlScriptEvent in all core files and plugins
  • Improved reset of the default client UI on shutdown (e.g. crash, /admin shutdown, ...) of UASECO
  • Removed the Up-to-date check from plugins/plugin.mania_karma.php because it is a default plugin of UASECO

Changes at config files

  • Added missing <modesetup><chase><warm_up_duration> from 0.9.5 release in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml (thanks speedychris)
  • Added missing <modesetup><chase><warm_up_number> from 0.9.5 release in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml (thanks speedychris)
  • Changed & to &amp; in <messages><cheater_blacklisted_and_banned> at newinstall/config/welcome_center.xml (thanks aca)
  • Change all ----- to ===== in newinstall/config/tachometer/template_classic.xml to make them XML compatible (thanks aca)
  • Change all ----- to ===== in newinstall/config/customize_quit_dialog/default.xml to make them XML compatible (thanks aca)
  • Added <sounds><enabled> in newinstall/config/tachometer.xml to enable or disable sounds by default (wished by hacki65)
  • Added new entry Stadium SUPER Trucks at <points_systems><system> in newinstall/config/round_points.xml
  • Changed <settings><replay><posx> from -120.95 to -121.3 in newinstall/config/pay2play.xml (thanks hacki65)
  • Changed <settings><replay><posy> from 81.1875 to 81 in newinstall/config/pay2play.xml (thanks hacki65)
  • Changed <settings><skip><posx> from -108.949 to -109.3 in newinstall/config/pay2play.xml (thanks hacki65)
  • Changed <settings><skip><posy> from 81.1875 to 81 in newinstall/config/pay2play.xml (thanks hacki65)
  • Changed <settings><style><background_focus> from 004B7D99 to 0099FFFF in newinstall/config/pay2play.xml (thanks hacki65)
  • Changed all <entry>Modes/TrackMania/ lines with official modescripts at <scripts> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modebase><respawn_behaviour> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <ui_properties><scorestable> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <ui_properties><viewers_count> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Updated <scripts><*> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml to require the actual versions
  • Added <message_warmup_round_end> in newinstall/locales/plugin.round_autoend.xml
  • Removed <modebase><scores_table_style_path> from newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml, because this has been removed from the game with MP4
  • Moved the plugin into the required section in newinstall/config/plugins.xml (thanks speedychris)
  • Moved the plugin, plugin.panels.php and plugin.rasp.php into the Optional plugins section in newinstall/config/plugins.xml
  • Splited the section Required plugins into Minimal required plugins and Maximal required plugins in newinstall/config/plugins.xml
  • Changed <message_nextenv_failed>, <message_activate_localrecords> and <message_activate_addthis> in newinstall\locales\chat.admin.xml
  • Added <message_activate_rasp> in newinstall\locales\chat.admin.xml
  • Updated/removed (because they are gone) links to documentations from nadeo in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Updated newinstall/config/panels/AdminBottomCenter.xml, newinstall/config/panels/AdminBottomCenterWide.xml and newinstall/config/panels/AdminCallVote.xml to ManiaLink Version 3
  • Updated newinstall/locales/chat.server.xml with no_operators_configured, no_admins_configured and no_masteradmins_configured
  • Changed <ui_properties><checkpoint_time><pos><y> from 25.8 to -68.8 in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Changed <ui_properties><checkpoint_time><pos><y> from -8.0 to 0.0 in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Renamed <ui_properties><warmup> to <ui_properties><warm_up> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Removed <uptodate_*> from newinstall/config/mania_karma.xml
  • Removed <uptodate_check> and <uptodate_info> from newinstall/config/mania_karma.xml
  • Removed <ipaddress> from newinstall/config/UASECO.xml at <masteradmins> and complete functionality
  • Removed <auto_admin_addip> from newinstall/config/UASECO.xml and complete functionality
  • Removed <ipaddress> from newinstall/config/adminops.xml at <admins> and <operators> and complete functionality

Bug fixes

  • Fixed [UASECO Exception] Error returned: "Invalid Manialink page: XML Error at [NUM, NUM]: Parsing attribute " ATTRIBUTE " [-1000] at GbxRemote::query() for method "SendDisplayManialinkPageToLogin" with arguments[...] in plugins/plugin.records_eyepiece.php (thanks rasmusdk)
  • Fixed setting <settings><display> to 0 in config/autotime.xml does still display the message in the chat (thanks rasmusdk)
  • Fixed PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '$rank' (T_VARIABLE) in plugins/chat.rasp_nextrank.php on line 124 (thanks aca)
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 951 in file plugins/plugin.modescript_handler.php (thanks lyovav)
  • Fixed Wrong Time in the chat with the plugin.autotime.php and configured bronze time (thanks Flighthigh)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined offset: 1 on line 632 in file includes/core/helper.class.php (thanks Plateo)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Trying to get property of non-object on line 970 in file plugins/plugin.modescript_handler.php (thanks hackie)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined offset: 0 on line 8471 in file plugins/plugin.records_eyepiece.php (thanks Tavernicole)
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] end() expects parameter 1 to be array, string given on line 1207 in file plugins/plugin.checkpoints.php (thanks fl3kzZ, endbase, aca)
  • Fixed not working /infobar reload (thanks hackie)
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] Declaration of Database::query($sql) should be compatible with mysqli::query($query, $resultmode = NULL) in includes/core/database.class.php on line 431 (thanks hacki65)
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] array_key_exists(): The first argument should be either a string or an integer on line 709 in file path to plugins/plugin.rasp_jukebox.php (thanks hackie)
  • Fixed strippling.xml which holds the wrong map because of the too early call of the function reportServerInfo() at loadingMap() in uaseco.php (thanks hacki65)
  • Fixed multiple encoded special chars in windows and in Records Eyepiece (thanks hackie)
  • Fixed [UASECO Exception] Error returned: "Wrong setting type for S_RespawnBehaviour" [-1000] at GbxRemote::query() for method SetModeScriptSettings with arguments: (thanks hackie)
  • Fixed not working Dedimania link in the Dedimania Window which does load in the internal ManialinkBrowser instead of the external Browser (thanks Guenni71)
  • Fixed players with only numbers as login lets the LiveRankingWidget from plugins/plugin.records_eyepiece.php display wrong sorting and multiple entrys (thanks speedychris, endbase and special thanks to NADEO)
  • Fixed RankingList lost PID from players when using $aseco->server->rankings->update()
  • Fixed displaying of the CurrentMapWidget from score while in race after using "/replay" (thanks aca)
  • Fixed LastNextCurrentWindow does not display the correct next map when changing the Jukebox (thanks aca)
  • Fixed adding a map at score the CurrentMapWidget does not display the correct map (thanks speedychris)
  • Fixed wrong display of songs with spaces, %20 instead of " " in plugins/plugin.music_server.php (thanks speedychris)
  • Fixed several password representations in the logfile with a mask ****** (thanks xenicle)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined index: TMLOGIN on line 166 in file plugins/chat.server.php (thanks xenicle)
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given on line 9650 in file plugins/plugin.records_eyepiece.php (thanks hacki65)
  • Fixed [UASECO Warning] [Rasp] ERROR: Could not insert time! ((1452) Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`DB`.`uaseco_times`, CONSTRAINT `uaseco_times_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`PlayerId`) REFERENCES `uaseco_players` (`PlayerId`) ON DELETE CASCADE ON UPDATE CASCADE)) (thanks hackie)
  • Fixed chat command /elist can not juke maps, only see - instead of + (thanks hackie)
  • Fixed RASP does not display correct ranking (thanks hacki65)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Trying to get property of non-object on line 102 in file includes/core/map.class.php (thanks Snorfold)
  • Fixed 's from Records-Eyepiece with chat-commands does not call the given chat command (thanks RelaxedRacer)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined variable: message on line 133 in file plugins/plugin.local_records.php (thanks RelaxedRacer)
  • Fixed PHP Warning] file_get_contents( failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error on line 196 in file webrequest.php (thanks RelaxedRacer)
  • Fixed LiveRankingsWidget shows time from a map before after leaving and returning later and server stays empty meanwhile (thanks endbase, hackie, Flighthigh)
  • Fixed CheckpointsTimeDiffWidget without tracking if and is set to false in config/checkpoints.xml (thanks hacki65)
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] array_key_exists(): The first argument should be either a string or an integer on line 288 in file plugins/plugin.rasp_jukebox.php
  • Fixed Records-Eyepiece MoreRankingWindow which sometimes show one page more then required (thanks hacki65)
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] Illegal string offset 'SONG' on line 147 in file plugins/plugin.music_server.php
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined variable: import_done on line 980 in file plugins/plugin.mania_karma.php (thanks endbase)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined variable: api on line 3600 in file plugins/plugin.mania_karma.php (thanks endbase)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined variable: authcode on line 3602 in file plugins/plugin.mania_karma.php (thanks endbase)
  • Fixed the view of the ConnectionStatusWidget when the Widget himself is disabled for the current GameMode (thanks hacki65)
  • Fixed the request to export the Karma votes, also when the export was already done in plugins/plugin.mania_karma.php (thanks RelaxedRacer)

Version 0.9.5

General changes

  • Requires a Maniaplanet Dedicated Server build 2017-05-31_23_00 or higher
  • Optimized again the map name handling: a map with a name like ÐĘЯЯ@ MiNi LoL 21-5-17 results into a filename like derra-mini-lol-21-5-17_121209.Map.gbx instead of de-mini-lol-21-5-17_121209.Map.gbx (thanks askuri)
  • Added $map->name_slug to class includes/core/map.class.php which holds the slugified version of a map name
  • Added $player->nickname_stripped to class includes/core/player.class.php which holds the format and color stripped version of a nickname
  • Added $player->nickname_slug to class includes/core/player.class.php which holds the slugified version of a nickname
  • ManiaScript: Changed all deprecated InputPlayer.Login (which is marked deprecated) to MP4 update new InputPlayer.User.Login
  • Added new event onPlayerFinishPostfix which is triggered after onPlayerFinish
  • The chat command /admin shutdown (and /admin shutdownall) stores now all player settings into the database
  • Removed chat command /ranks from chat.player_infos.php, because plugin/plugin.records_eyepiece.php has a better list with /estat topranks
  • Added method getFormatedRank() in includes/core/player.class.php
  • Removed method getRank() from plugin/plugin.rasp.php (replaced by getFormatedRank() from includes/core/player.class.php)
  • Turned Top Rankings Window, Dedimania Records Window, Local Records Window, Live Rankings Window, Top Continent Window from plugin.records_eyepiece.php into the class window style
  • Changed some sprintf("%.1f"...) to $aseco->formatFloat() in plugin.records_eyepiece.php (thanks elie520)
  • No local- and dedimania-records while within warm-up to prevent cheats, because of method "GetValidationReplay" returns "Not in race.", which means the race can not be validated

Changes at config files

  • Changed the files in newinstall/config/effect_studio/ to make them XML compatible (thanks aca)
  • Changed & to &amp; in all <info_messages><messages> at newinstall/config/welcome_center.xml (thanks aca)
  • Added newinstall/locales/plugin.info_bar.xml
  • Added chat command /infobar reload in plugins/plugin.info_bar.php (suggested by perre.vl)
  • Added Rounds.Script.txt, TimeAttack.Script.txt, Team.Script.txt, Laps.Script.txt, Cup.Script.txt, TeamAttack.Script.txt and Chase.Script.txt to <scripts> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml for checking the version
  • Added trailing / in <dedicated_installation> from newinstall/config/UASECO.xml (thanks Shrike)
  • Added <modesetup><timeattack><warm_up_duration> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><timeattack><warm_up_number> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><team><warm_up_duration> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><team><warm_up_number> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Removed <modesetup><team><use_player_clublinks> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><laps><warm_up_duration> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><laps><warm_up_number> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><cup><warm_up_number> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><cup><max_players_per_team> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><cup><min_players_per_team> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><chase><warm_up_duration> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><chase><warm_up_number> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Removed <modesetup><chase><use_player_clublinks> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml

Bug fixes

  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined property: stdClass::$best on line 645 in file plugins/plugin.checkpoints.php (thanks phantom)
  • Fixed always return in includes/core/plugin.class.php in the method getPlayerData() which causes "You need to finish this map at least 1 time before being able to vote" in ManiaKarma and maybe more (thanks endbase for the research)
  • Fixed wrong calculation of a player ranking average (thanks rasmusdk)
  • Fixed missing ) in plugins/chat.record_relations.xml (thanks aca)
  • Fixed [UASECO Exception] Error returned: "" [0] at GbxRemote::query() for method "SendDisplayManialinkPage" (thanks lyovav)
  • Fixed wrong rank counting in a private function _getPlayerRankingById() at includes/core/player.class.php (thanks rasmusdk)
  • Fixed a mem leak: placed wrong the mem freeing function of a sql resource at includes/core/player.class.php and includes/core/playerlist.class.php (maybe related to speedychris report)
  • Fixed wrong storage of records in TimeAttack.Script.txt and multilaps map, the last checkpoint (the finishline) has not been stored (thanks speedychris)
  • Fixed the RoundScoreWidget always displays the players best race time, instead of the current time of the round (thanks speedychris)
  • Fixed chat command /dedicps was not registered the right way
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given on line 1208 in file plugins/plugin.checkpoints.php (thanks elie520)
  • Fixed messed up positions of the default HUD elements after a ModeScript and map change
  • Fixed buggy welcome message since the rank calculation changes (thanks rasmusdk)
  • Fixed adding maps with /admin add ID does not setup a database ID which causes no records and mania karma endless loading (thanks mistertl)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined variable: gd on line 710 in file uaseco.php (thanks soehest)
  • Fixed message Adding missing trailing "/" for <mapimages_path> and <dedicated_installation> (thanks Shrike)
  • Fixed the WarmUp widget stays on the screen thoughout all the following non warm-up rounds (thanks elie520)
  • Fixed the forced autoend of a round if all players have finished the round, but the timeout has reached while showing the score

Version 0.9.4

General changes

  • Added new event onPlayerRoundFinish for use in rounds based ModeScripts and the RoundScoreWidget of plugin.records_eyepiece.php
  • Added the RoundScoreWidget to be hidden/shown when pressing the F9 key of plugin.records_eyepiece.php (thanks elie520)
  • The TimeDiff Widget of plugin.checkpoints.php reload when the player drove an new record and shows the next better local-, dedimania-record or personal best
  • Better map name handling, now a map name like ÐĘЯЯ@ MiNi LoL 21-5-17 results into a filename like de-mini-lol-21-5-17_121209.Map.gbx instead of _121209.Map.gbx (thanks phantom)
  • Added $aseco->environments which holds an array of environments, currently 'Canyon', 'Stadium', 'Valley' and 'Lagoon'
  • Map that are added from ManiaExchange (by e.g. /admin add ID) will now be separated into separate folders on disk, named as the map environment
  • Added support for AdminServ callback AdminServ.Map.Added when a map has been added and AdminServ.Map.Deleted when a map has been removed
  • Added properties $player->server_rank, $player->server_rank_total and $player->server_rank_average to Class Player
  • Added property $aseco->db->settings to includes/core/database.class.php
  • Renamed property $aseco->db->db_type in $aseco->db->type from includes/core/database.class.php
  • Renamed property $aseco->db->db_version in $aseco->db->version from includes/core/database.class.php
  • Renamed property $aseco->db->db_version_full in $aseco->db->version_full from includes/core/database.class.php
  • Turned more windows from plugin.records_eyepiece.php into the class window style

Changes at config files

  • Updated the links to the official documentation in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml, all updated links are starting with
  • Moved <modebase><warm_up_duration> to <modesetup><rounds><warm_up_duration> and changed the description too in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added <modesetup><rounds><warm_up_number> in newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added extra 7 seconds to the plugins/plugin.round_autoend.php because sometimes the round was forced to end while showing the scoretable
  • Updated newinstall/locales/plugin.round_autoend.xml with several entries
  • Added <messages><chat_prefix_replacement> in newinstall/config/UASECO.xml
  • Changed <message_autosave_matchsettings_not_set_or_jukebox_disabled> in newinstall/locales/chat.admin.xml
  • Renamed tag <message_ban_masteradmin> to <message_ban_any_admin> into newinstall/locales/chat.admin.xml
  • Removed <min_rank> from newinstall/config/rasp.xml
  • Added <server_rank_min_records> to newinstall/config/UASECO.xml

Bug fixes

  • Fixed wrong ordering in the RoundScore Widget from plugin.records_eyepiece.php, only tested with Rounds.Script.txt (thanks elie520, speedychris)
  • Fixed not updating LiveRanking Widget from plugin.records_eyepiece.php (thanks speedychris)
  • Fixed in a multilap map only the first run will receive a record in plugin.modescript_handler.php (thanks speedychris)
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given on line 103 in file plugins/plugin.round_points.php (thanks speedychris)
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] array_map(): Argument #2 should be an array on line 103 in file plugins/plugin.round_points.php (thanks speedychris)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined index: truffeltje on line 2339 in file plugins/plugin.mania_karma.php (thanks phantom)
  • Fixed wrong firing of onPlayerFinish in Rounds.Script.txt on a multilap map before all required laps has been driven
  • Fixed showing and loading the wrong next map after changing the next map with "/admin replay" or by jukeboxing a map (thanks elie520, phantom)
  • Fixed ModeScript changes require to change the map twice to take account (thanks maxi031, elie520)
  • Fixed double information after /admin erase ID (thanks phantom)
  • Fixed /admin erase ID does not change the MapList too (thanks phantom)
  • Fixed the clickbuttons /admin panel list (thanks Mysticman, rasmusdk)
  • Fixed ManiaScript parts in plugin.records_eyepiece.php which causes Widgets to be displayed only in parts while restarting
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined index: SCALE on line 13999 in file plugins/plugin.records_eyepiece.php (thanks phantom)
  • Fixed emoji "speech bubble" - which replaces » in chat message - was replacing » everywhere and not only at the beginning of a chat message, e.g. in map names, nicknames... (thanks reaby)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined property: stdClass::$tracking on line 1657 in file plugins/plugin.dedimania.php (thanks lyovav)
  • Fixed wrong (old) map size check on /admin addlocal ID in plugins/chat.admin.php
  • Fixed /xlist contains map with all environments on a TMStadium Title only dedicated server
  • Fixed and optimized the map list refresh, now the thumbnails of a map is only stored on disk, when the thumbnail not already exists
  • Fixed [PHP Warning] get_class() expects parameter 1 to be object, boolean given on line 322 in file includes/core/plugin.class.php (thanks phantom)
  • Fixed [UASECO Warning] Country::countryToIoc(): Could not map country: Bosnia and Herzegovina (thanks lyovav)
  • Fixed getting the message Congratulations, you won your NUM. race! even if you are playing alone (thanks rasmusdk)
  • Fixed wrong ordering of the server rank (players with same average now ordered by PlayerId) and optimized the rank calculation, also reduced the required SQL queries to get the results
  • Fixed team colors are wrong in RoundScore from plugin.records_eyepiece.php (thanks elie520)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined variable: admin on line 4385 in file plugins/chat.admin.php with /admin addlocal {filename} (thanks Tavernicole)
  • Fixed Fuel and Water display blinking when time is nearly over in plugins/plugin.tachometer.php

Version 0.9.3

General changes

  • Requires a Maniaplanet Dedicated Server build 2017-05-22_21_00 or higher
  • Added FTP support into the WebRequestWorker webrequest.php
  • Added support for multiple instances of a WebRequestWorker webrequest.php, which has (currently) to be started manually (thanks oliverde8)
  • Added check for an existing WebRequestWorker worker(s), if none can be found start is aborted (thanks oliverde8)
  • Added the function to /admin add 120328 to save the map as Whatever_120328.Map.gbx instead of (currently) w-eve_120328.Map.gbx on linux or _120328.Map.gbx on windows (thanks Phantom)
  • Renamed constant in UASECO from API_VERSION to XMLRPC_API_VERSION
  • Added chat command /modescript reload to reload the config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added a check if a player is a MasterAdmin, to prevent a MasterAdmin/Admin/Operator ban (thanks L3cKy)
  • Updated to the gbxdatafetcher/2.10 which includes the Lagoon support (thanks Xymph)
  • Added Lagoon support into plugin.records_eyepiece.php
  • Added checks for trailing slashes at <mapimages_path> and <dedicated_installation> from config/UASECO.xml (thanks Tavernicole)

Changes at config files

  • Added new properties <ui_properties><spectator_info> into newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added new properties <modesetup><rounds><rounds_per_map> into newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added new properties <modesetup><rounds><maps_per_match> into newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml
  • Added new tag <window_ui_properties> into newinstall/locales/plugin.modescript_settings.xml
  • Added new locales newinstall/locales/plugin.modescript_settings.xml
  • Added new tag <message_ban_masteradmin> into newinstall/locales/chat.admin.xml
  • Changed URLs of <images><mood>, <images><environment><enabled>, <images><environment><focus> and added Lagoon at newinstall/config/records_eyepiece.xml
  • Removed tag group <images><environment><logos> at newinstall/config/records_eyepiece.xml

Bug fixes

  • Fixed wrong named function from destruct() to __destruct() in includes/core/webrequest.class.php
  • Fixed instant exit from webrequest.php after /admin shutdown (because of the existing file worker.suicide)
  • Reverted /list back to the plugin.rasp_jukebox.php to enable /admin remove 1 (thanks Tavernicole)
  • Fixed [UASECO Exception] Error returned: "Value of type INT supplied where type STRING was expected." [-501] at GbxRemote::query() for method "TriggerModeScriptEventArray" with arguments: "/setrpoints 6,5,4,3,2,1,0" (thanks mangoara)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] iconv(): Detected an illegal character in input string on line 137 in file /includes/core/helper.class.php (thanks Phantom)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Undefined index: Records on line 1157 in file plugins/plugin.checkpoints.php (thanks elie520)
  • Fixed [Plugin] » Can not register chat command "/elist" because callback Method "chat_elist()" of class "PluginRecordsEyepiece" is not callable, ignoring! (thanks ramires)
  • Fixed ManiaScript ERR [30, 69] Persistent storage limit reached. MusicWidget ()::Main() [30, 69], by disable persistent storage
  • Fixed Checkpoint TimeDiffWidget is displaying a time from the map that was loaded before, if you have not already a Personal Best time on the current map (thanks elie520)
  • Fixed [PHP Notice] Trying to get property of non-object on line 767 in file plugins/plugin.modescript_handler.php (thanks SSM.Speed...)

Version 0.9.2

General changes

  • Requires a Maniaplanet Dedicated Server build 2017-05-12_21_00 or higher
  • wget is no longer required, it is replaced by the includes/webrequest.php (which has to be started as separate process)
  • Added new method $aseco->generateManialinkId() at class UASECO Added the command /tachometer reload to plugins/plugin.tachometer.php
  • Added an new Dialog Class, with this you can setup dialogs to ask the player to confirm
    • New file added includes/core/dialog.class.php
    • New file added newinstall/locales/class.dialog.xml
    • New file added docs/UASECO/Classes/Dialog/
    • New file added docs/UASECO/Classes/Dialog/
  • Changed class MXInfoSearcher to load 200 maps on /xlist
  • Changed the amount of maps from 15 to 20 on each page at /xlist
  • Minor ManiaScript odds and sods
  • Changed plugin.message_log.php to Manialink V3
  • Added support for TLS/SSL URLs for songs in plugin.music_server.php

Changes at config files

  • Changed the URLs to ManiaCDN in the newinstall/config/tachometer.xml
  • Changed the URLs to ManiaCDN in the newinstall/config/tachometer/template_classic.xml
  • Changed inside newinstall/config/donate.xml at <messages><payment> the content (removed a space) for the new Class Dialog
  • Changed inside newinstall/config/records_eyepiece.xml at <scoretable_lists><top_active_players><entries> from 7 to 6
  • Changed inside newinstall/config/records_eyepiece.xml at <scoretable_lists><top_winning_payouts><enabled> from false to true
  • Changed inside newinstall/config/records_eyepiece.xml at <scoretable_lists><top_winning_payouts><pos_y> from -11.775 to -38.5875
  • Changed inside newinstall/config/records_eyepiece.xml at <scoretable_lists><top_winning_payouts><entries> from 7 to 6

Bug fixes

  • Fixed deformated Window from /admin pay PLAYER AMOUNT window has been updated to the Manialink version 3
  • Fixed wrong versions check from /uptodate
  • Fixed [PHP Notice]: Undefined index: UI_PROPERTIES in /plugins/plugin.modescript_handler.php on line 918 (thanks Krill)
  • Fixed hiding/showing of Records-Eyepiece Widgets by pressing F9 (thanks phantom, elie520)
  • Fixed ManiaScript ERR [171, 95] Out of bounds access at [NUM] at CheckpointTimeDiff ()::Main() [171, 95]
  • Fixed ManiaScript ERR [45, 82] Persistent storage limit reached at Tachometer ()::Main() [45, 82], by disable persistent storage
  • Fixed missing image from plugin.customize_quit_dialog.php (server side)
  • Fixed missing images from plugin.welcome_center.php (server side)
  • Fixed [PHP Fatal Error] Uncaught Error: Cannot use object of type WebRequestConstruct as array in /plugins/plugin.mania_karma.php:3854
  • Fixed [MusicServer] webrequest->get(): 404 - The given URL could not be found! (thanks MfGLucker)
  • Changed line-endings in newinstall/uaseco.bat into DOS format and redirecting errors to nul
  • Fixed vote buttons are not able to click in /plugins/plugin.mania_karma.php
  • Fixed missing send of <ui_properties><live_info> from the file newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml to the dedicated server
  • Fixed the LiveRanking Widget of plugin.records_eyepiece.php which does not update after the second run (thanks mixnetwork, orangina, Lutzif3r)

Version 0.9.1

General changes

  • Possible speed-up because of the test of improved times before triggering the event onPlayerRankingUpdated
  • /admin shutdown resets the HUD to the default values taken from UI2.Script.txt

Changes at config files

  • Added inside newinstall/config/UASECO.xml at <settings> the new <automatic_refresh_maplist>
  • Added inside newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml at <ui_properties> the new <live_info>
  • Changed inside newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml at <ui_properties> every position X, Y and Z to the MP4 defaults from UI2.Script.txt (thanks micmo)
  • Changed inside newinstall/config/modescript_settings.xml at <modesetup> the entry <timeattack> from 3600 (1 hour) to 300 (5 min.) (thanks lyovav)
  • Added inside newinstall/config/records_eyepiece.xml at <ui_properties> following new <position>, <speed_and_distance>, <personal_best_and_rank>, <checkpoint_list>, <countdown> and <chrono>
  • Changed inside newinstall/config/records_eyepiece.xml at <winning_payout><widget> the <pos_x> and <pos_y>

Bug fixes

  • [UASECO Exception] Error returned: "" [0] at GbxRemote::query() for method "SendDisplayManialinkPageToLogin" with arguments: (thanks lyovav)
  • [PHP Notice] Undefined property: stdClass::$best on line 533 in file /plugin.checkpoints.php (thanks lyovav)
  • [PHP Notice] Undefined property: stdClass::$tracking on line 1657 in file /plugins/plugin.dedimania.php (thanks lyovav)
  • [PHP Notice] Undefined offset: 1 on line 412 in file /includes/core/window.class.php (thanks lyovav)
  • [PHP Notice] Undefined offset: 2 on line 412 in file /includes/core/window.class.php (thanks lyovav)
  • [PHP Notice] Undefined index: planets on line 125 in file /includes/core/locales.class.php
  • [PHP Warning] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 180 in file /includes/core/message.class.php
  • [UASECO Warning] Country::countryToIoc(): Could not map country: South Korea: Renamed Korea to South Korea in includes/core/country.class.php (thanks lyovav)
  • Syntax error: EOF in backquote substitution, Error in command substitution or newline unexpected (expecting word) in includes/core/webrequest.class.php (thanks lyovav)
  • [PHP Warning] file_get_contents(): failed to open stream: Connection timed out on line 156 in file /includes/core/webrequest.class.php (thanks Tavernicole)
  • [PHP Notice] Undefined variable: http_response_header on line 159 in file /includes/core/webrequest.class.php (thanks Tavernicole)
  • [PHP Warning] Invalid argument supplied for foreach() on line 159 in file /includes/core/webrequest.class.php (thanks Tavernicole)
  • [PHP Notice] Undefined offset: 1 on line 534 in file /includes/core/webrequest.class.php (thanks Tavernicole)

Version 0.9.0


  • Third-party Plugins for XAseco2 are NOT compatible without changes (see Differences between XAseco2 and UASECO below)!
  • A database from XAseco2/1.03 is NOT compatible with UASECO, convert a XAseco2 database with newinstall/database/convert-xaseco2-to-uaseco.php!
  • Plugin plugin.manialinks.php (formerly is deprecated and get removed in the near future! Use Class Window instead.
  • Plugin plugin.panels.php and related files in the folder config/panels (or newinstall/config/panels) are deprecated and get removed in the near future!
  • All RASP Plugins will be replaced and removed in the near future!
  • includes/core/webaccess.class.php (formerly has been removed, use Class WebRequest instead!


  • Full details at installation (linux)
  • Requires PHP/5.6.0 or higher (7.x.x recommended for performance gain)
  • Requires MySQL/5.1.0 or higher or MariaDB/5.5.20 or higher
  • Requires a Maniaplanet dedicated Server build 2017-05-03_21_00 or higher with API-Version 2013-04-16 or higher
  • Requires now the installation of wget:


  • Admins are now able to setup the PHP memory_limit (default is set to 256 MB) and script_timeout (default is set to 120 seconds) within the UASECO.xml
  • Added many new callback events like onPlayerStartCountdown, onPlayerStartLine, onPlayerFinishLine, onPlayerRespawn, onBeginPodium... see documentation for details
  • Included support for Modescript Gamemodes from the Maniaplanet/3 and Maniaplanet/4 update, e.g. TimeAttack.Script.txt, Rounds.Script.txt...
  • Included Database support into controller and changed all MySQL statements from MySQL Extension to MySQL Improved Extension (mysqli)
  • The database default storing engine has been changed from MyISAM to InnoDB with foreign key constraints
  • The database tablenames now have a prefix, to have the possibility to use only one database for multiple UASECO installations
  • Took some classes/ideas from MPAseco/0.83 and Aseco/2.2.0c
  • Splitted into single file classes
  • Extended class Player
  • Extended class PlayerList
  • Extended class Server
  • Extended class Gameinfo
  • Extended class Map
  • Extended class Record
  • Extended class RecordList
  • Extended class Server
  • Added class BaseClass
  • Added class Dependence
  • Added class Continent
  • Added class Country
  • Added class Locales (thanks to askuri)
  • Added class Helper (which holds the most UASECO Methods)
  • Added class MapList
  • Added class MapHistory
  • Added class Message (thanks to askuri)
  • Added class Database (mysqli)
  • Added class PlayList
  • Added class Plugin
  • Added class Ranking
  • Added class RankingList
  • Added class Webrequest (for asynchronous and synchronous HTTP GET-, POST- and HEAD-Requests)
  • Added class Window
  • Added class WindowList
  • Added new RoundsPointSystem High Score, based upon MotoGP * 10
  • Rewritten all Plugins into a own class and documented all dependencies
  • Merged several Plugins into one Plugin
  • Renamed several Plugins
  • Included the updated GBX Data Fetcher module v2.9 from 2017-02-03 created by Xymph
  • Added GbxRemote version from 2016-01-20
  • Distinguish local records between Gamemodes: local records made in TimeAttack are not available when the dedicated is running in Rounds and vice versa
  • Moved the content of the Map history file from RASP into the Database table maphistory (and removed functions... from the Plugins)
  • Added Support for the following Gamemodes:
  • Changed PHP 4 style constructors for PHP/7.x.x deprecated warnings: Methods with the same name as their class will not be constructors in a future version of PHP
  • Added memleak fixes presented by Bueddl
  • Removed plugin chat.last_win.php and included his function into windowlist.class.php

Bugfix (in XAseco2)

  • includes/ Changed to make sure that 0 values from <tags> in XML files are not interpreted as false and are stored too
  • includes/ [PHP Notice] Undefined offset: 0 on line 1184 till 1190
  • plugins/chat.server.php: Changed forgotten changes for Gameinfo::* constants

Differences between XAseco2 and UASECO

  • All XML configuration files has to be located into the config folder
  • All mysql_*() does not work anymore, use $aseco->db->* instead (e.g. $res = $aseco->db->query($sql)), see and
  • Added constants Gameinfo::TEAM_ATTACK and Gameinfo::CHASE
  • Added $aseco->server->rankings->ranking_list[] which holds the current ranking for all Players in all Gamemodes (no need to call the Method GetCurrentRanking)
  • Added $aseco->server->maps->map_list[] which holds all Maps from the dedicated Server (no need to call the Method GetMapList)
  • Added $aseco->server->players->getPlayerById()
  • Added $aseco->server->players->getPlayerByPid()
  • Changed the callback handler of a registered chat command, it has now four parameter instead of two: ($aseco, $login, $chat_command, $chat_parameter)
  • Changed quotedString() to $aseco->db->quote()
  • Changed validateUTF8String() to $aseco->validateUTF8String()
  • Changed stripNewlines() to $aseco->stripNewlines()
  • Changed formatText() to $aseco->formatText()
  • Changed stripSizes() to $aseco->stripSizes()
  • Changed stripNewlines() to $aseco->stripNewlines()
  • Changed bool2text() to $aseco->bool2string()
  • Changed and renamed mapCountry() to $aseco->country->countryToIoc()
  • Changed and renamed continent2cid() to $aseco->continent->continentToAbbreviation()
  • Changed and renamed cid2continent() to $aseco->continent->abbreviationToContinent()
  • Changed and renamed stripColors() to $aseco->stripStyles()
  • Changed and renamed file_exists_nocase() to $aseco->fileExistsNoCase()
  • Changed F7 (to hide some Widgets) to F9, because Nadeo uses F7 for the Buddy list now
  • Event parameters has been changed for many events, more details:
  • Event onCheckpoint to onPlayerCheckpoint
  • Event onChat splitted into onServerChat and onPlayerChat (no need to check for a Server message at onPlayerChat)
  • Event onRestartMap removed and renamed onRestartMap2 to onRestartMap (there is no more a difference between the restarts)
  • Event onLoadingMap is send after $aseco->server->maps->current is updated (which is fired before onBeginMap)
  • Event onBeginMap is fired after onLoadingMap
  • Event onBeginMap1 and onBeginMap2 has been removed
  • Event onEndMap1 renamed to onEndMapPrefix
  • Event onDediRecsLoaded renamed to onDedimaniaRecordsLoaded
  • Event onMaplistChanged renamed to onMapListChanged (uppercase L)
  • Event onPlayerConnect2 renamed to onPlayerConnectPostfix
  • Event onPlayerFinish1 renamed to onPlayerFinishPrefix
  • Event onPlayerManialinkPageAnswer: Handling of Manialink actions and identificators has been changed, more details:
  • Event onPlayerInfoChanged does not send anymore the struct from the dedicated as parameter, now only send the login of that Player (the struct is changed at the Player object)
  • Event onManualFlowControlTransition has been removed, because that Callback (TrackMania.ManualFlowControlTransition) is not part of the API-Version 2013-04-16
  • Merged formatTime() and formatTimeH() to only $aseco->formatTime()
  • Merged chat.songmod.php, and plugin.rasp_nextmap.php together
  • Moved $aseco->xml_parser to $aseco->parser and renamed the method parseXML() to xmlToArray() and parseArray() to arrayToXml()
  • Moved $aseco->server->map to $aseco->server->maps->current
  • Moved $aseco->records from controller into Local Records Plugin
  • Moved $aseco->rasp from controller into the RASP Plugins
  • Moved $aseco->getPlayerId() to $aseco->server->players->getPlayerIdByLogin()
  • Moved $aseco->getPlayerNick() to $aseco->server->players->getPlayerNickname()
  • Moved $aseco->getPlayerParam() to $aseco->server->players->getPlayerParam()
  • Renamed config/config.xml to config/UASECO.xml
  • Renamed constants Gameinfo::RNDS to Gameinfo::ROUNDS, Gameinfo::TA to Gameinfo::TIME_ATTACK
  • Renamed $aseco->server->players->getPlayer() to $aseco->server->players->getPlayerByLogin()
  • Renamed $aseco->ip_match() to $aseco->matchIP()
  • Renamed $aseco->server->serverlogin to $aseco->server->login
  • Renamed $player->isspectator to $player->is_spectator
  • Renamed $player->isofficial to $player->is_official
  • Renamed $player->isreferee to $player->is_referee
  • Renamed $player->ladderrank to $player->ladder_rank
  • Renamed $player->ladderscore to $player->ladder_score
  • Renamed $player->lastmatchscore to $player->last_match_score
  • Renamed $player->nbwins to $player->nb_wins
  • Renamed $player->nbdraws to $player->nb_draws
  • Renamed $player->nblosses to $player->nb_losses
  • Renamed $player->timeplayed to $player->time_played
  • Renamed $player->newwins to $player->new_wins
  • Renamed $player->teamid to $player->team_id
  • Remamed $map->authorscore to $map->author_score ($map = includes/core/map.class.php)
  • Remamed $map->authortime to $map->author_time ($map = includes/core/map.class.php)
  • Renamed $aseco->isOperatorL() to $aseco->isOperatorByLogin()
  • Renamed $aseco->isAdminL() to $aseco->isAdminByLogin()
  • Renamed $aseco->isMasterAdminL() to $aseco->isMasterAdminByLogin()
  • Renamed $aseco->isAnyAdminL() to $aseco->isAnyAdminByLogin()
  • Renamed $aseco->allowOpAbility() to $aseco->allowOperatorAbility()
  • Removed constant Gameinfo::STNT and support for the related Gamemode
  • Removed, moved parts from it into the related Plugins and replaced the Window with the new class window.class.php
  • Removed Plugin plugin.matchsave.php, and related files matchsave.xml, html.tpl and text.tpl
  • Removed Jfreu-Plugins, jfreu.lite.php and jfreu.plugin.php with all related files (plugin.welcome_center.php replaces jfreu.lite.php)
  • Removed plugin.styles.php and related files in the folder config/styles
  • Removed addChatCommand() and added $this->registerChatCommand() (in Class Plugin)
  • Removed $aseco->server->getGame(), because in Maniaplanet it was useless
  • Removed $aseco->isSpectator($player), use $player->getSpectatorStatus() instead
  • Removed handling (deprecated) and replaced by from modescript_settings.xml, more details:
  • Removed chat command /admin listdupes, because the Database column has unique key
  • Removed all donate panels (Donate*.xml) from config/panels
  • Removed all records panels (Records*.xml) from config/panels
  • Removed all vote panels (Vote*.xml) from config/panels
  • Removed http_get_file(), use $aseco->webaccess->request() instead
  • Removed chat command /top10 from plugin.rasp.php, use /top100 instead
  • Removed chat command /clans and /topclans from chat.player_infos.php
  • Removed the event onStatusChangeTo[1-4,6], because with the ModeScripts we have now more detailed callbacks
  • The default database charset is utf8mb4 and collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci
  • The folder panels has been moved into the config folder
  • The folder styles has been moved into the config folder
  • PLEASE NOTE: I only hope that this list are all differences, but I am not really sure about this. I was starting too late to write this list, sorry!

Differences between the database from XAseco2 and UASECO

    • For each SQL-Query you have to add %prefix% before all tablenames, e.g. to access players you have to write %prefix%players
    • The connection has enabled autocommit, if you need to insert a bulk of data you can disable autocommit, more details:
  • Table maps:
    • Renamed Id to MapId
  • Table players:
    • Renamed Id to PlayerId
    • Renamed NickName to Nickname
    • Renamed UpdatedAt to LastVisit
    • Removed Game
    • Removed TeamName
  • Table players_extra has been removed:
    • Moved Cps to settings table and get stored into serialized Value
    • Moved DediCps to settings table and get stored into serialized Value
    • Moved Donations to players table
    • Moved Style to settings table and get stored into serialized Value
    • Moved Panels to settings table and get stored into serialized Value
    • Moved PanelBG to settings table and get stored into serialized Value
  • Table records:
    • Removed Id
    • Added GamemodeId
  • Table rs_karma renamed to ratings
    • Removed Id
  • Table rs_rank renamed to rankings
    • Renamed Avg to Average
  • Table rs_times renamed to times
    • Removed Id
    • Added GamemodeId
  • Added Table maphistory
  • Added Table playlist

This is a private enthusiast Website. Maniaplanet, Trackmania, Shootmania, Nadeo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Last modified: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 22:01:48 +0200