Class WebRequest

Documentation of includes/core/webrequest.class.php

Provides asynchronous and synchronous communication for HTTP GET-, POST- and HEAD-Requests.



Handles HTTP-GET requests.


string = GET ( array $params )


  • url

    Required: String with an HTTP-URL which should be requested.

  • callback

    Optional/Required: The callback which should be called when the request is finished (only required for asynchronous requests).

  • sync

    Optional: Switch for asynchronous and synchronous requests, default value is false.

  • timeout

    Optional: Over all timeout in seconds after the request should give up, default value is 20.

  • timeout_dns

    Optional: DNS request timeout in seconds after that the request should give up, default value is 5.

  • timeout_connect

    Optional: Connection timeout in seconds after that the request should give up, default value is 5.

  • tries

    Optional: Amount of tries until the request should give up, default value is 10.

  • max_redirect

    Optional: Follow max. this amount of redirects, default value is 50.

  • user_agent

    Optional: String which will be used as USER-AGENT within the request.

  • extra_headers

    Optional: Array which holds extra headers to add to the request, e.g. array('X-ServerLogin: labs01','X-ServerNation: DEU').


public function example () {
    try {
        // Grab a text file
        $params = array(
            'url'       => '',
            'callback'  => array(array($this, 'handleWebrequest'), $login),
        $result = $aseco->webrequest->GET($params);
    catch (Exception $exception) {
        $aseco->console('[UpToDate] webrequest->get(): '. $exception->getCode() .' - '. $exception->getMessage() ."\n". $exception->getTraceAsString(), E_USER_WARNING);
        return false;

public function handleWebrequest ($request, $login = false) {
    // Handle the request answer here...


Handles HTTP-POST requests.


string = POST ( array $params )


  • url

    Required: String with an HTTP-URL which should be requested.

  • data

    Required: Data for the request body of a POST-Request, only required at POST-Request).

  • callback

    Optional/Required: The callback which should be called when the request is finished (only required for asynchronous requests).

  • sync

    Optional: Switch for asynchronous and synchronous requests, default value is false.

  • timeout

    Optional: Over all timeout in seconds after the request should give up, default value is 20.

  • timeout_dns

    Optional: DNS request timeout in seconds after that the request should give up, default value is 5.

  • timeout_connect

    Optional: Connection timeout in seconds after that the request should give up, default value is 5.

  • tries

    Optional: Amount of tries until the request should give up, default value is 10.

  • max_redirect

    Optional: Follow max. this amount of redirects, default value is 50.

  • user_agent

    Optional: String which will be used as USER-AGENT within the request.

  • extra_headers

    Optional: Array which holds extra headers to add to the request, e.g. array('X-ServerLogin: labs01','X-ServerNation: DEU').


public function example () {
    try {
        // Grab a text file
        $params = array(
            'url'       => '',
            'data'      => $data,                       // e.g. CSV-, XML-Data or an Image
            'callback'  => array(array($this, 'handleWebrequest'), $login),
        $result = $aseco->webrequest->POST($params);
    catch (Exception $exception) {
        $aseco->console('[UpToDate] webrequest->get(): '. $exception->getCode() .' - '. $exception->getMessage() ."\n". $exception->getTraceAsString(), E_USER_WARNING);
        return false;

public function handleWebrequest ($request, $login = false) {
    // Handle the request answer here...


Handles HTTP-HEAD requests.


string = HEAD ( array $params )


  • url

    Required: String with an HTTP-URL which should be requested.

  • timeout

    Optional: Over all timeout in seconds after the request should give up, default value is 20.

  • timeout_dns

    Optional: DNS request timeout in seconds after that the request should give up, default value is 5.

  • timeout_connect

    Optional: Connection timeout in seconds after that the request should give up, default value is 5.

  • tries

    Optional: Amount of tries until the request should give up, default value is 10.

  • max_redirect

    Optional: Follow max. this amount of redirects, default value is 50.

  • user_agent

    Optional: String which will be used as USER-AGENT within the request.

  • extra_headers

    Optional: Array which holds extra headers to add to the request, e.g. array('X-ServerLogin: labs01','X-ServerNation: DEU').


public function example () {
    try {
        // Does the file exists?
        $params = array(
            'url'       => '',
        $result = $aseco->webrequest->HEAD($params);
    catch (Exception $exception) {
        $aseco->console('[UpToDate] webrequest->get(): '. $exception->getCode() .' - '. $exception->getMessage() ."\n". $exception->getTraceAsString(), E_USER_WARNING);
        return false;

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Last modified: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 22:23:05 +0200