Class Window

Documentation of includes/core/window.class.php

Provides a comfortable, configurable styled Manialink window, with automatic handling of actions when a Player click on the pagination buttons.



Setup the style of the Window.


void = setStyles ( array $params )


  • textcolor

    Color for the text in RGBA format, e.g. 09FF.

  • backgroundcolor

    Color for the seperator at the header in RGBA format, e.g. 09FF.

  • icon

    Icon for the header, choose one from the Manialink styles.


// Setup the styles
$settings_style = array(
    'textcolor'     => '09FF',
    'backgroundcolor'   => 'FFFF',
    'icon'          => 'Icons64x64_1,ToolLeague1',

// Create the Window
$window = new Window();


Setup the amount, width, alignment and text colors of the columns.


void = setColumns ( array $params )


  • columns

    Setup the amount of outer columns the window should have, default is 1.

  • widths

    The widths in percent of the inner columns of the columns.

  • halign

    Adjust the direction of each inner column, supported options are: left (default), center and right.

  • textcolors

    Setup for the inner columns text color, each inner column can have an own text color.

  • heading

    If set, then each inner column will get a heading with the given title.


$settings_columns = array(
    'columns'   => 2,
    'widths'    => array(25, 75),
    'halign'    => array('left', 'center'),
    'textcolors'    => array('FF5F', 'FFFF'),
    'heading'   => array('Command', 'Description'),

// Create the Window
$window = new Window();


Setup the content of the title and the main content to display.


void = setContent ( array $params )


  • title

    Window title which will be shown right after the Icon.

  • mode

    Mode for the window content, supported values are columns or pages.

  • page

    If larger then 0, then that given page (if exists) will be showed instead of the first one. If the given number is larger then there are existing pages, the number will be reduced to the maximum page number.

  • data

    In mode columns: An array which each entry reflects a rows in a inner column.
    In mode pages: An array which each entry reflects a complete build manialink page which should be displayed inside the window.

  • add_background

    Boolean value: Include a background for pages? The columns will get them by default!


// Build the data
$data = array(
    '/help',    'Display help',
    '/plugins', 'Display Plugins',
    '/players', 'Display Players',
    '/list',    'Display Maps',

// Setup content
$settings_content = array(
    'title'         => 'Currently supported chat commands',
    'data'          => $data,
    'mode'          => 'columns',

// Create the Window
$window = new Window();


Setup the footer to display.


void = setFooter ( array $params )


  • about_title

    Title which will be shown at the buttom left.

  • about_link

    Link for the about_title, supported protocols are

    • manialink://
    • http://
    • https://
    • ftp://
    • ftps://
    • ts3server://
    • mumble://
  • button_title

    Title which will be shown at the center.

  • button_link

    Link for the button_title

  • option_button

    An array which contains a list of button labels and a valid link/action, supported protocols are

    • manialink://
    • http://
    • https://
    • ftp://
    • ftps://
    • ts3server://
    • mumble://


$options = array();
$options[] = array('Show maplist filter window',    'PluginRecordsEyepiece?Action=showMaplistFilterWindow');
$options[] = array('Show maplist sorting window',   'PluginRecordsEyepiece?Action=showMaplistSortingWindow');

// Setup footer
$settings_footer = array(
    'about_title'       => 'MANIA-KARMA/'. $this->getVersion(),
    'about_link'        => ',
    'button_title'      => 'MORE INFO ON MANIA-KARMA.COM',
    'button_link'       => ''. $this->karma['data']['uid'],
    'option_button'     => $options,

// Create the Window
$window = new Window();


Build, store and send the Window to the Player.


void = send ( Class Player object $player, int $timeout, boolean $hideclick )


  • $player

    Class Player object

  • $timeout

    A timeout after that the Window should be hidden from display. Default value is 0.

  • $hideclick

    If set to true, then the Window is closed after the Player clicks on it. Default value is false.


// Setup the styles
$settings_style = array(
    'textcolor'     => '09FF',
    'backgroundcolor'   => '0099FFDD',
    'icon'          => 'Icons64x64_1,ToolLeague1',

// Setup the columns
$settings_columns = array(
    // Split Window into two (outer)columns
    'columns'   => 2,

    // Each outer columns have two inner columns with 25% and 75% width
    'widths'    => array(25, 75),

    // Left inner column text halign to 'left', the right to 'center'
    'halign'    => array('left', 'center'),

    'textcolors'    => array('FF5F', 'FFFF'),
    'bgcolors'  => array('555F', '333F'),

    // Setup the headings
    'heading'   => array('Command', 'Description'),

// Build the data
$data = array(
    '/help',    'Display help',
    '/plugins', 'Display Plugins',
    '/players', 'Display Players',
    '/list',    'Display Maps',

// Setup content
$settings_content = array(
    'title'         => 'Currently supported chat commands',
    'data'          => $data,
    'mode'          => 'columns',

// Create the Window
$window = new Window();
$window->send($player, 0, false);

Class Window

Documentation of includes/core/window.class.php

Provides a comfortable, configurable styled Manialink window, with automatic handling of actions when a Player click on the pagination buttons.


Members Example data or description
$window->layout Array for the given layout
$window->settings Array for the given settings
$window->content Array for the given content

This is a private enthusiast Website. Maniaplanet, Trackmania, Shootmania, Nadeo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment.
Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.

Last modified: Wed, 17 Apr 2019 22:22:35 +0200