The Team
Who has made this?
- (Project Leader, Core Developer, German Translations)
- aca (Developer, German Translations)
- askuri (Initial Developer Locales, German Translations)
- Phantom (Testing, Nederland Translations)
About - the undefined ;)
I did not wrote it somewhere when the first contact with Trackmania was, I found Trackmania Sunrise on a DEMO-CD from the c't magazin 4/2005, maybe around the end of 2005 and was playing it only offline.
After playing this a longer time and building own maps, painting my car..., I again found around 2006 on the CD from c't magazin 6/2006 the TrackMania Nations ESWC, the gameplay was total different to Trackmania Sunrise and I loved it so much.
After playing around with it only offline till the end of 2006, I was setting up a online account for it. Early 2007 I found Trackmania Nations and used that. But after a short while I wanted to be able to have a custom car, so I bought Trackmania United. Then later in 2008 I updated to Trackmania United Forever.
Meanwhile I was running an own dedicated server, only with all my own hand-made tracks. This was the first time I came in touch with XAseco(1) and all the plugins. After fiddling around with the FuFi.Widgets, I was lucky with what I have made.
But one thing was not as I wanded, the karma votes for tracks. Nobody voted for a track, and when someone does a vote then it was only on that server. I was jumping around on many servers to see how players like my tracks. That was the time where the project Mania-Karma (formally TM-Karma) was born and I developed my very first plugin for XAseco. The first (beta) release of the ManiaKarma plugin was around august 2009.
Since that time the amount of my plugins has growing (see my labs for a complete list):
- 20 plugins for XAseco2
- 19 plugins for XAseco
- 8 plugins for MPAseco
- 1 plugin for Aseco
- and some currently unreleased...
And now I work on the project UASECO...
About aca
My first contact with Maniaplanet was in 2012 if I remember correctly. I bought the game because a friend of mine recommended it and I soon began to like it, too. I started out with my account doe-eye and have always been a Canyon-Player. By now I possess 3 accounts (very useful for testing some plugins), in addition to doe-eye (doe) this is aca78 (aca) and d4u (any). Currently any is my „main“ account, as I got all Titles (Canyon, Stadium, Valley and Lagoon) in that account, but still – I'm only a Canyon-Driver :D
So why then aca as name here? When I registerd in the maniaplanet-forum I chose that nickname (which is btw the initials of my full names) and I thought it would be a good idea to keep it for programming.
I also don't remember an exact date of when I started to run my first server, but I used XAseco2 as controller. I adjusted some plugins to my needs and wrote the one or other plugin. My biggest project so far is the UASECO-Plugin Checkpoint-Time-Differences, which I created according to the proposals of that friend of mine, who brought me to the game.
Since 2012 there were some periods I didn't play at all, but I've always returned. Now (Sept. 2019) I've also returned after a long absence and with the possibility to contribute to UASECO, I've got back to programming, too.
About askuri
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About Phantom
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This is a private enthusiast Website. Maniaplanet, Trackmania, Shootmania, Nadeo are trademarks of Ubisoft Entertainment.
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