ManiaScript  2019-10-10
The script language used in ManiaPlanet gaming system
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big.h File Reference

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class  Void
class  Integer
class  Real
class  Boolean
class  Text
class  Vec2
class  Vec3
class  Int3
class  Ident
struct  CMlScript
struct  CMlEntry
struct  CMlFileEntry
struct  CMlTextEdit
struct  CMlLabel
struct  CMlMediaPlayer
struct  CMlQuad
struct  CMlGauge
struct  CMlGraph
struct  CMlMinimap
struct  CMlCamera
struct  CMlBrowser
struct  CManiaApp
struct  CManiaAppTitleLayer
struct  CManiaAppEvent
struct  CManiaAppTitle
struct  CManiaAppPlayground
struct  CManiaAppStation
struct  CModulePlayground
struct  CModulePlaygroundInventory
struct  CModulePlaygroundStore
struct  CModulePlaygroundScoresTable
struct  CModulePlaygroundChrono
struct  CModulePlaygroundSpeedMeter
struct  CModulePlaygroundPlayerState
struct  CModulePlaygroundTeamState
struct  CModuleMenu
struct  CModuleMenuComponent
struct  CModuleMenuLayer
struct  CModuleMenuFileBrowser
struct  CStation
struct  CMlStation
struct  CEditorMainPlugin
struct  CAnyEditorPlugin
struct  CMapEditorPlugin
struct  CMapEditorPluginLayer
struct  CBadgeEditor
struct  CServerPlugin
struct  CSmMode
struct  CSmMlScriptIngame
struct  CSmAction
struct  CSmMapType
struct  CTmMlScriptIngame
struct  CTmMode
struct  CTmMapType
struct  CTrackManiaAppPlayground
struct  CNod
struct  CMlPage
struct  CUser
struct  CTitle
struct  CMlScriptEvent
struct  CParsingManager
struct  CHttpManager
struct  CVideoManager
struct  CAudioManager
struct  CInputManager
struct  CDataFileMgr
struct  CScoreMgr
struct  CAnimManager
struct  CSystemPlatform
struct  CMlControl
struct  CImage
struct  CMlGraphCurve
struct  CManiaAppBrowser
struct  CMap
struct  CUILayer
struct  CUserV2Manager
struct  CTitleControl
struct  CBaseConstEvent
struct  CTitleEdition
struct  CNotificationsConsumer
struct  CAchievementsManager
struct  CBadgeManager
struct  CMatchSettingsManager
struct  CManiaAppPlaygroundCommon
struct  CManiaAppBase
struct  CPackCreatorTitleInfo
struct  CEditorPluginHandle
struct  CEditorModule
struct  CEditorMesh
struct  CEditorEditor
struct  CMapEditorPluginEvent
struct  CMapEditorInventory
struct  CBlock
struct  CMacroblockModel
struct  CBlockModel
struct  CBlockClipList
struct  CMacroblockInstance
struct  CMapEditorCamera
struct  CMapEditorCursor
struct  CItemAnchor
struct  CMapEditorConnectResults
struct  CAnchorData
struct  CBadge
struct  CMapInfo
struct  CClient
struct  CScore
struct  CTeam
struct  CServerPluginEvent
struct  CUIConfigMgr
struct  CServerAdmin
struct  CXmlRpc
struct  CMode
struct  CSmPlayer
struct  CSmModeEvent
struct  CSmMapBase
struct  CSmMapLandmark
struct  CSmScore
struct  CSmObject
struct  CMlScriptIngame
struct  CModeVehicle
struct  CAction
struct  CSmActionEvent
struct  CMapType
struct  CTmMlPlayer
struct  CTmRaceClientEvent
struct  CTmScore
struct  CTmPlayer
struct  CTmModeEvent
struct  CMlFrame
struct  CParsingDocument
struct  CHttpRequest
struct  CHttpEvent
struct  CVideo
struct  CAudioSource
struct  CAudioSourceMusic
struct  CInputEvent
struct  CInputPad
struct  CTaskResult
struct  CCampaign
struct  CTaskResult_MapList
struct  CGhost
struct  CTaskResult_Ghost
struct  CTaskResult_ReplayList
struct  CTaskResult_GhostList
struct  CTaskResult_FileList
struct  CTaskResult_GameModeList
struct  CTaskResult_NaturalLeaderBoardInfoList
struct  CTaskResult_MapRecordList
struct  CTaskResult_BuddiesChallengeRecord
struct  CTaskResult_BuddiesChallengeRecordsComparison
struct  CTaskResult_BuddyChallengeRecordsComparison
struct  CTaskResult_RealLeaderBoardInfoList
struct  CPlug
struct  CUserV2Profile
struct  CTaskResult_StringIntList
struct  CServerInfo
struct  CPackCreator
struct  CNotificationsConsumerEvent
struct  CNotificationsConsumerNotification
struct  CAchievementsEvent
struct  CAchievementsAchievement
struct  CAchievementsStat
struct  CAchievementsAchievementDesc
struct  CAchievementsStatDesc
struct  CMatchSettings
struct  CManiaAppPlaygroundEvent
struct  CPlaygroundClient
struct  CUIConfig
struct  CEditorBase
struct  CModuleMenuModel
struct  CModuleMenuPageModel
struct  CModulePlaygroundHudModel
struct  CEditorPluginModuleEvent
struct  CEditorAsset
struct  CEditorEvent
struct  CMapEditorInventoryDirectory
struct  CMapEditorInventoryNode
struct  CMapEditorInventoryArticle
struct  CBlockUnit
struct  CCollector
struct  CBlockModelVariantGround
struct  CBlockModelVariantAir
struct  CBlockClip
struct  CUIConfigEvent
struct  CXmlRpcEvent
struct  CModulePlaygroundHud
struct  CModeTurretManager
struct  CModeVehicleManager
struct  CActionManager
struct  CPlayer
struct  CSmPlayerDriver
struct  CBaseEvent
struct  CEntity
struct  CSmBlockPole
struct  CMapLandmark
struct  CSmMapGate
struct  CSmMapGauge
struct  CTrackManiaScore
struct  CTmResult
struct  CParsingNode
struct  CMapGroup
struct  CReplayInfo
struct  CTaskResult_ModeInfo
struct  CTaskResult_NaturalLeaderBoardInfoList
struct  CNaturalLeaderBoardInfo
struct  CTaskResult_PlayerMapRecords
struct  CTaskResult_MapRecord
struct  CHighScoreComparison
struct  CHighScoreComparisonSummary
struct  CTaskResult_RealLeaderBoardInfoList
struct  CRealLeaderBoardInfo
struct  CVehicleSettings
struct  CPackCreatorPack
struct  CMatchSettingsPlaylistItem
struct  SHudModule
struct  CBlockUnitModel
struct  CBlockModelVariant
struct  CModeTurret
struct  CActionInterface
struct  CSmBlock
struct  CSmSector
struct  CSmGauge
struct  CMapSector
struct  CMapWaypoint
struct  CMapSpawn
struct  CMapBotPath
struct  CMapBotSpawn
struct  CMapObjectAnchor
struct  CPackCreatorRecipient
struct  CBlockModelClip
struct  CSmLandmark
struct  CSmBase




enum  TimeLib::EDateFormats {
  TimeLib::Full, TimeLib::Date, TimeLib::DateShort, TimeLib::Time,
  TimeLib::TimeShort, TimeLib::Relative, TimeLib::RelativeShort
enum  TimeLib::EDurationFormats { TimeLib::Full, TimeLib::Abbreviated, TimeLib::Chrono }


Integer MathLib::Abs (Integer Argument1)
Real MathLib::Abs (Real Argument1)
Real MathLib::ToReal (Integer Argument1)
Real MathLib::Sin (Real Argument1)
Real MathLib::Cos (Real Argument1)
Real MathLib::Tan (Real Argument1)
Real MathLib::Atan2 (Real Argument1, Real Argument2)
Real MathLib::Exp (Real Argument1)
Real MathLib::Rand (Real Argument1, Real Argument2)
Real MathLib::Rand (Real Argument1, Real Argument2, Integer Argument3)
Integer MathLib::Rand (Integer Argument1, Integer Argument2)
Integer MathLib::Rand (Integer Argument1, Integer Argument2, Integer Argument3)
Real MathLib::NearestReal (Integer Argument1)
Integer MathLib::NearestInteger (Real Argument1)
Integer MathLib::FloorInteger (Real Argument1)
Integer MathLib::TruncInteger (Real Argument1)
Integer MathLib::CeilingInteger (Real Argument1)
Real MathLib::Distance (Real Argument1, Real Argument2)
Real MathLib::Distance (Vec2 Argument1, Vec2 Argument2)
Real MathLib::Distance (Vec3 Argument1, Vec3 Argument2)
Real MathLib::DotProduct (Vec3 Argument1, Vec3 Argument2)
Vec3 MathLib::CrossProduct (Vec3 Argument1, Vec3 Argument2)
Real MathLib::Angle (Vec3 Argument1, Vec3 Argument2)
Real MathLib::OrientedAngle (Vec3 Argument1, Vec3 Argument2)
Real MathLib::Angle (Real _Radian1, Real _Radian2)
 Returns the smallest angle from A to B. More...
Real MathLib::Angle (Vec2 Argument1, Vec2 Argument2)
Real MathLib::OrientedAngle (Vec2 Argument1, Vec2 Argument2)
Real MathLib::PI ()
Real MathLib::Asin (Real Argument1)
Real MathLib::Acos (Real Argument1)
Real MathLib::Pow (Real Argument1, Real Argument2)
Real MathLib::Ln (Real Argument1)
Real MathLib::Sqrt (Real Argument1)
Integer MathLib::Max (Integer _A, Integer _B)
 Returns the maximum between A and B. More...
Integer MathLib::Min (Integer _A, Integer _B)
 Returns the minimum between A and B. More...
Integer MathLib::Clamp (Integer _X, Integer _Min, Integer _Max)
 Returns the value X clamped to the range Min..Max. More...
Real MathLib::Max (Real _A, Real _B)
 Returns the maximum between A and B. More...
Real MathLib::Min (Real _A, Real _B)
 Returns the minimum between A and B. More...
Real MathLib::Clamp (Real _X, Real _Min, Real _Max)
 Returns the value X clamped to the range Min..Max. More...
Real MathLib::Mod (Real _X, Real _Min, Real _Max)
 Returns the modulus of X in the range Min..Max. More...
Real TextLib::ToReal (Text _Text)
 Returns the Real corresponding to _Text. More...
Integer TextLib::ToInteger (Text _Text)
 Returns the Integer corresponding to _Text. More...
Vec3 TextLib::ToColor (Text _Text)
 Returns the RGB color corresponding to _Text. More...
Text TextLib::SubString (Text _Text, Integer _Start, Integer _Length)
 Returns a substring of _Text. More...
Text TextLib::SubText (Text _Text, Integer _Start, Integer _Length)
 Returns a substring of _Text. More...
Integer TextLib::Length (Text _Text)
 Returns the length of _Text. More...
Text TextLib::ToText (Integer _Integer)
 Returns the Text corresponding to _Integer. More...
Text TextLib::ToText (Real _Real)
 Returns the Text corresponding to _Real. More...
Text TextLib::ToText (Boolean _Boolean)
 Returns the Text corresponding to _Boolean. More...
Text TextLib::ToText (Int3 _Int3)
 Returns the Text corresponding to _Int3. More...
Text TextLib::ToText (Vec3 _Vec3)
 Returns the Text corresponding to _Vec3. More...
Text TextLib::TimeToText (Integer _Time, Boolean _IncludeCentiSeconds)
 Returns the Text corresponding to _Time. More...
Text TextLib::TimeToText (Integer _Time)
 Returns the Text corresponding to _Time. More...
Text TextLib::ColorToText (Vec3 _Color)
 Returns the Text corresponding to _Color. More...
Text TextLib::FormatInteger (Integer Argument1, Integer Argument2)
Text TextLib::FormatReal (Real _Value, Integer _FPartLength, Boolean _HideZeroes, Boolean _HideDot)
 Returns the Text corresponding to a Real. With formatting. More...
Text TextLib::ToUpperCase (Text _TextToChange)
 Changes lower case characters to upper case characters. More...
Text TextLib::ToLowerCase (Text _TextToChange)
 Changes upper case characters to lower case characters. More...
Text TextLib::CloseStyleTags (Text _String)
 Return a string where the previously unclosed $< tags have their $> counterpart. More...
Boolean TextLib::CompareWithoutFormat (Text _Text1, Text _Text2, Boolean _IsCaseSensitive)
 Compares texts without taking format characters in account. More...
Boolean TextLib::Find (Text _TextToFind, Text _TextToSearchIn, Boolean _IsFormatSensitive, Boolean _IsCaseSensitive)
 Returns True if the searched text is found in the text to search in. More...
Boolean TextLib::EndsWith (Text _TextToFind, Text _TextToSearchIn)
 Return True if the Text ends with the TextToFind. More...
Boolean TextLib::EndsWith (Text _TextToFind, Text _TextToSearchIn, Boolean _IsFormatSensitive, Boolean _IsCaseSensitive)
 Return True if the Text ends with the TextToFind. More...
Boolean TextLib::StartsWith (Text _TextToFind, Text _TextToSearchIn)
 Return True if the Text starts with the TextToFind. More...
Boolean TextLib::StartsWith (Text _TextToFind, Text _TextToSearchIn, Boolean _IsFormatSensitive, Boolean _IsCaseSensitive)
 Return True if the Text starts with the TextToFind. More...
Text TextLib::Compose (Text Argument1)
Text TextLib::Compose (Text Argument1, Text Argument2)
Text TextLib::Compose (Text Argument1, Text Argument2, Text Argument3)
Text TextLib::Compose (Text Argument1, Text Argument2, Text Argument3, Text Argument4)
Text TextLib::Compose (Text Argument1, Text Argument2, Text Argument3, Text Argument4, Text Argument5)
Text TextLib::Compose (Text Argument1, Text Argument2, Text Argument3, Text Argument4, Text Argument5, Text Argument6)
Text TextLib::MLEncode (Text Argument1)
Text TextLib::URLEncode (Text Argument1)
Text TextLib::StripFormatting (Text Argument1)
Text [VoidTextLib::Split (Text _Separators, Text _Text)
 Splits a given text based on a given separators set. More...
Text TextLib::Join (Text _Separator, Text[Void] _Texts)
 Joins a set of texts with the given separator. More...
Text TextLib::Trim (Text Argument1)
Text TextLib::ReplaceChars (Text Argument1, Text Argument2, Text Argument3)
Text TextLib::Replace (Text _Text, Text _ToReplace, Text _Replacement)
 Replaces occurences of _ToReplace in _Text with _Replacement. More...
Text [VoidTextLib::RegexFind (Text _Pattern, Text _Text, Text _Flags)
 Find occurences of the _Pattern in the _Text. More...
Text [VoidTextLib::RegexMatch (Text _Pattern, Text _Text, Text _Flags)
 Captures the groups of the _Pattern in the matching _Text. group[0] is the whole pattern match. More...
Text TextLib::RegexReplace (Text _Pattern, Text _Text, Text _Flags, Text _Replacement)
 Replace the _Pattern in the matching text with _Replacement. More...
Text TextLib::GetTranslatedText (Text _Text)
 Lookup the text in the current translation dictionary. More...
CardinalDirections MapUnits::GetNextDir (CardinalDirections Argument1)
CardinalDirections MapUnits::GetPreviousDir (CardinalDirections Argument1)
CardinalDirections MapUnits::GetOpposedDir (CardinalDirections Argument1)
CardinalDirections MapUnits::AddDirs (CardinalDirections Argument1, CardinalDirections Argument2)
CardinalDirections MapUnits::SubDirs (CardinalDirections Argument1, CardinalDirections Argument2)
Int3 MapUnits::GetNeighbourCoord (Int3 Argument1, CardinalDirections Argument2)
Int3 MapUnits::GetRotatedOffset (Int3 Argument1, CardinalDirections Argument2)
Int3 MapUnits::GetRotatedOffsetPositive (Int3 Argument1, CardinalDirections Argument2, Int3 Argument3)
Real AnimLib::SmoothStep (Real _X)
 Returns the value smoothly transitionning from 0 to 1. More...
Real AnimLib::Ease (Text _Function, Real _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Real _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using Robert Penner easing functions. Function must be one of: "Linear", "QuadIn", "QuadOut", "QuadInOut", "CubicIn", "CubicOut", "CubicInOut", "QuartIn", "QuartOut", "QuartInOut", "QuintIn", "QuintOut", "QuintInOut", "SineIn", "SineOut", "SineInOut", "ExpIn", "ExpOut", "ExpInOut", "CircIn", "CircOut", "CircInOut", "BackIn", "BackOut", "BackInOut", "ElasticIn", "ElasticOut", "ElasticInOut", "ElasticIn2", "ElasticOut2", "ElasticInOut2", "BounceIn", "BounceOut", "BounceInOut". More...
Real AnimLib::EaseLinear (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInQuad (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutQuad (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutQuad (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInCubic (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutCubic (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutCubic (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInQuart (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutQuart (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutQuart (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInQuint (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutQuint (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutQuint (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInSine (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutSine (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutSine (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInExp (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutExp (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutExp (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInCirc (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutCirc (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutCirc (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInBack (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutBack (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutBack (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInElastic (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutElastic (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutElastic (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInElastic2 (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutElastic2 (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutElastic2 (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInBounce (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseOutBounce (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Real AnimLib::EaseInOutBounce (Integer _T, Real _Base, Real _Change, Integer _Duration)
 Returns the value animated from Base to Base+Delta using R. Penner easing functions. More...
Text TimeLib::FormatDate (Text _Timestamp, EDateFormats _Format)
 Returns the date corresponding to a timestamp, formatted according to the locale. Not available on servers. More...
Text TimeLib::FormatDelta (Text _Timestamp1, Text _Timestamp2, EDurationFormats _Format)
 Returns the duration between 2 timestamps, formatted according to the locale. Not available on servers. More...
Text TimeLib::FormatDelta (Text _Delta, EDurationFormats _Format)
 Returns the duration Delta formatted according to the locale. Not available on servers. More...
Integer TimeLib::Compare (Text _Timestamp1, Text _Timestamp2)
 Compares 2 timestamps. More...
Real TimeLib::Clamp01 (Text _Boundary1, Text _Boundary2, Text _Timestamp)
 Returns a Real between 0 and 1, given an interval and a timestamp. More...
Text TimeLib::GetCurrent ()
 Gets current timestamp. More...
Integer TimeLib::GetDelta (Text _Timestamp1, Text _Timestamp2)
 Returns the duration in seconds between 2 timestamps. May be clamped if huge. More...
Vec3 ColorLib::HsvToRgb (Vec3 __Hsv)
Vec3 ColorLib::RgbToHsv (Vec3 __Rgb)
Text ColorLib::RgbToHex (Vec3 __Rgb)
Vec3 ColorLib::HexToRgb (Text _Text)
 Returns the RGB color corresponding to _Text. More...